
Showing posts from February, 2019

Service Learning

Service learning isn't just community service. The reading defines service learning as "lessons that connect to the curriculum, meet a need, have a theoretical base, involves students in planning, and allows for reflection." I see service learning as a way to teach students (using the curriculum) about a big idea and connecting students to art and their community through a service project. By having students work with community members, it teaches them good citizenship and service participation. Focusing on a big idea  for service learning lessons, as well as other lessons, helps students explore a common theme or topic. However, leaving it as a big idea empowers them to choose their own approach to the lesson and what direction they want to take it. Service learning doesn't just benefit the students, but also helps the teacher to get outside of the classroom with his/her students and possibly go out of his/her comfort zone for the benefit of the community. Service le...

Public v. Private

This chapter was particularly interesting to me because from preschool to 12th grade I attended a private school, but would always wonder how public school art education differed from my own experiences. My parents chose a private (Catholic) school because they wanted my sisters and I to have religious education focused on their faith. Although, they always allowed us to have say in where we wanted to attend. For example, I enjoyed my school and had friends that attended there, but my sisters sought other opportunities at the public school that my school didn't provide for them. My middle sister transferred to the public school at the beginning of her junior year of high school. She wanted to attend a larger school and her best friend went to the public school. My youngest sister transferred for her freshman year because of her interest in marching band and jazz band. The private school didn't have many opportunities in music. Looking back, I enjoyed the activities I partic...

Social Imagination

1. I think collaborating with your collegues and other teachers in your school with art-infused curriculum is really important. I hope to collaborate with my future teachers by connecting big ideas with curriculum units in their classes to allow students to make personal connections with the material being taught. As the reading said, "it brings inquiry and choices for learning". I also enjoyed this quote, "The arts nature wonder and imagination." We can show others how much students can benefit from working in the arts. 2. By encouraging student voice, it teachings them how to stand up for what they believe in and not to be afraid of sharing their opinion. If you create a "safe space"for students to express themselves, then they will be more open to speaking their voice. Students become comfortable and start to understand and gain respect for each other. In the reading when Samir was able to share his perspective and culture with his classmates, he was ...